Gather is a diverse community with a wide set of individual beliefs. Though we seek to operate within the bounds of the historical church & ancient creeds, we don’t often talk about what we “all” believe.  In fact, as a church, we do not feel responsible for the individual beliefs of those who participate with us. We do however feel responsible for what you’ll HEAR if you participate at Gather. We take seriously what you’ll hear about God and about yourself in our songs, prayers, teaching, and liturgy.

Here are two unique pieces of Liturgy that we participle with every Sunday as way to ensure that if you come to Gather you hear good news.

Our Confession of Faith

We say our Confession of Faith before our teaching as an open declaration of the kind of faith we want to have.

All: We are seeking an expansive faith.

Celebrant: We believe our theological systems should always be growing wider and including more.

All: We are seeking a faith rooted in the person & practice of Jesus.

Celebrant: We believe Jesus is God and is worthy of our worship & imitation.

All: We are seeking a faith built on a foundation of theological minimalism.

Celebrant: We believe in holding tight to the first things of faith and living open handed with the rest.

All: We are seeking a faith marked by curiosity.

Celebrant: We believe we should always have more questions than we do answers.

All: We are seeking a faith filled with compassion.

Celebrant: We believe our beliefs are never more important than the person right in front of us.

Our Gospel Proclamation

We say this simple proclamation before we take communion together as a reminder of our truest identities regardless of our race, class, sexuality, gender, nationality, or personality.


I was created by God

And God calls me Good

I am loved by God

And God calls me child.

I am rescued by God.

And God calls me Holy.

By the power of God through Jesus Christ, we are loved, forgiven, and free.

Celebrant: Created, loved, rescued, forgiven, and free. This is who you are. This is the fundamental truth of your identity whether you feel it or not. You belong to God from eternity to eternity. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Need a list of beliefs? Click below to read the creeds & a short list of beliefs.

If you have any questions about our beliefs please email